Saturday, November 3, 2012

A little about me

For those that don't know me, my name is Cari. I am 19, going to be 20 on December 14th. I am a student at Baker college of Muskegon. This is my first year and I am studying Elementary Teacher Preparation: Language Arts. I am also planning to write on the side. I am a lover of all things literature. I love to either curl up and read a really good book or do some major writing on any given day. A cup of coffee and my computer are my best friends when it comes to my writing. I dream of one day being a bestselling author and seeing my books on the shelves at Barnes and Noble and doing book signings and all that jazz. It's not about the money for me. It's about inspiring young writers to follow their dreams no matter what anyone says or what their background is. My biggest fans are my boyfriend, Josh, my momma, and my grandma. I don't know where I'd be without them. They are the reason I write and the reason I never give up. When I've had a bad day I like to just throw myself into my writing. Writing makes me happy. It calms me. It's my lifeline. It keeps me sane. I will write on here as often as I can while still trying to pass my classes. I love you all. :)

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